Team Building and Groups:

Paddling the Coosa is a great way for leaders of military groups, Scouting organizations, business owners, church groups, schools and civic organizations to spend a day building team skills and comradery.

If you are involved in any of the following "Target Groups" call 334-514-0279 to discuss details and scheduling:
- Corporations
- Small businesses
- Government Groups
- Educators
- Church Groups
- Non Profit Organizations
- Clubs
- Committees

Schedule Today
Coosa River Adventures today at:

(334) 514-0279
to schedule YOUR adventure!!
Release Form
Save some time and download our release form and fill it out before your trip

Click Here To Download
Keep the
Coosa Clean!
Do your part and preserve the Coosa's beauty. Some facts: It takes 400 years for a plastic bottle to decompose. In addition to being unsightly, plastics, fishing line, aluminum cans, glass bottles, and other debris also pose a threat to wildlife and the natural habitat. Pack it in, Pack it out!